Just what the world needs. One more recipe for roast chicken. Only I do. I really do. Perfect Roast Chicken 1. Find a chicken. It should be local, unless it’s not. It should be organic, unless it’s local, unless you are just at the regular supermarket and I’ll be damned if I’m going to go…
coconut congee with chicken and greens
There are nights that fit together like puzzles. I’m standing at the stove–it’s 5:00 and there is a coming and going in the house right now which is decidedly unsettled, although also joyous in a sun-through-the-window kind of way. I’m making congee, the thick rice porridge that is thickening in so many kitchens in the…
fall vegetable chicken pot pie
This might be my favorite dinner to bring to people who need it. Birthed a child lately? Dealing with illness? The world just conspiring in a way that could be fixed by a warm dinner whisked into your kitchen? I’m bringing you chicken pot pie. I have a lovely friend who’s husband is dealing with…
lemon balsamic chicken
I don’t know what you did, but thank you! Just minutes after writing my last post, I got to work on dinner. And from the moment everyone got home from school to the 7:00 bedtime click of the girls’ door, there were… (are you ready for this?) NO TEARS. And hopefully I can say this…
why i love baking, or, daring bakers puff the pastry
Why do I love to bake? I love to bake because the process simultaneously works with absolute truth and mystery. I like that it is so hard, but that there is a path to making it work. And the path is set out. The alchemy has been described and written out for me, but it…