Do you need another gadget? Of course not! Do you need the Instant Pot? Well, let’s discuss. Before we go any further, I’m going to lay out a few terms. I call this thing the Instapot. Sadie, who is almost 13 and likes to point out when I’m incorrect, reminds me every time I say it…
the tools that make you happy (a confession and a giveaway)
There are less than two weeks to Thanksgiving here in the US. Again, LESS THAN TWO WEEKS TO THANKSGIVING! Right around this time every year, I develop what I can only describe as an infatuation with the Crate and Barrel Catalog. They keep arriving, there in my mail pile, snuggled in with all the…
the surprise canning tool (and a winner!)
Okay, before we get too deep into this here, we have a winner of my favorite cookbook!I’ve got to say, if you haven’t read through the comments, do it. The assortment of cookbook favorites is pretty amazing- new, old, quirky, classic- they’re all there. But the winner is….#23, Amanda! She talked about Melissa Clark’s new…
rice cooker tapioca
I know just a little bit about marriage. Just a little bit. I’ve got a whole lot more education ahead of me. My mom was married to my dad for a few short years. It doesn’t sound like it was the best of relationships. By the time I was three, we were living with other…
tools from the bazaar
I’m really back now. The details of day to day life require my presence, and I mean really require it, so I’ve stopped leaving pots and the stove and daydreaming of little cups of Turkish tea. I’m moving at full speed. Which, I admit, is not that fast. There is a lot to keep up…