Last week, I came into the small fortune of 20 perfect seckle pears. Those pears were so beautiful, we almost missed their ripeness because we were so busy admiring them. The first one spouted a few tragic snowflakes of delicate mold, and then it became clear that we had 24 hours to eat the rest…
damp gingerbread with pears
Thank you for all of your advice and sympathies on my gingerbread search. I’m starting to think that a gingerbread cookbook might be in order. But for the moment, I am satiated. Yes, when I say I am determined, I’m not kidding. I have found it. (I’m thinking that you won’t mind if I offer…
pear gingerbread upside down cake
A mother of a student of mine once made gingerbread with pears neatly pressed into the top. It was extraordinary. It was years ago, but in the last few weeks I’ve been obsessing on that gingerbread. I will make that gingerbread. Yes, I could call that mom, but that would be too easy. I’ve been…
pear chocolate muffins
Oh, I know, muffins again. But hear me out for a second- this post is a last hurrah of sorts on the muffin front.What on earth would slow my muffin making?Well, remember those stomachaches that have been plaguing Sadie? The doctor has lowered his gavel and yes, as we all thought, the girl’s allergic to…
pie for the equinox
We are one of those families floating in the vague fog of spirituality that you find these days, and that has its ups and downs. Being in a culturally Jewish/ Pagan family with some added Buddism and an Episcopalian grandfather never really bothered me, but something shifted when the girls were born. (Something? What didn’t…