I finally did my salon challenge. I cooked with my friend, Jen.
In the midst of all of the craziness, we cooked together for most of the day. Both of our lives are a little fast paced at the moment, and although I wasn’t sure how it would all work out, it ended up being the most amazing time out from it all.
I didn’t answer the phone or check my email. I just chopped and kneaded and stirred.
And in the end there was dinner.
This dinner party was a little different from the others so far. As a benefit for the girls’ school, mothers bought seats for this one. And it was exactly that, a table full of mothers.
We ate and talked late into the night. With the most astounding assortment of produce from Jen’s farm, local meat and cheeses, and blueberry wine concocted by Jen and her husband Pete.
I’ll be honest- we weren’t as quite prepared as we planned to be. For the last hour, we were actually running around the kitchen at a sprint. But with four hands to do the work, I stayed much calmer than I probably should have. Somehow, I just had faith that we would make it happen.
Any one else take the challenge? Tell us! Tell us!
If you’re still thinking about it, I’m not so keen on rules around here, and deadlines shmedlines. Especially if the dinner party feel daunting for you, I would take this particular challenge.
With a friend, a whole lot more is possible.
this table is seriously perfect. i wouldn't have known it until i saw it. great idea. (oops about commenting on the wrong post)
aw, thanks dono. would have been so nice if one of the seats had been yours…